Welcome to: North of 55 - Winning with Age.

What is this blog about? 

I will be sharing useful and easily applied key information for "average people" facing their "mature" years who can benefit from my own personal journey to gain knowledge associated with achieving more elegant aging. 

I say "average people" because if you are like me, you don't have a personal trainer, don't have to keep up with the likes of the Hollywood stars, don't have a ton of money to spend on expensive cosmetics, and think that Botox is an unnecessary expense... you might be starting to feel "older" and wishing you could keep your good looks and vitality, despite getting older every day. You probably don't have a lot of time or interest in trying to learn how to minimize the effects of natural aging on your own and wish there was an easy way to just "get the facts". If this describes you, I invite you to follow this blog as I personally experience aging and learn from current literature in my effort to personally apply it and I will share with you what I learn.

So, who am I and why do I want to write this blog? 

I am a "reluctantly retired" individual that has had a productive career, find myself feeling a bit of a victim to "ageism" since I can't seem to obtain another position similar to the roles I held in the past, but feel I am too young to not work and continue to "produce" every day. So, I am getting old(er) but not feeling old and still have a lot of energy and want to continue to be productive.  I guess I have come to a cross-roads and find myself thinking a lot more about what's next. My parents passed away several years ago so I can't ask them what aging was like for them; as a consequence I have turned to learning about it on my own and hope to be able to share what I learn with like-minded people. My goal, therefore, is to learn, apply, and share with the readers of this blog information relative to maintaining the vitality we felt (or feel) in our 50's while prolonging the years before reaching the slippery slope of the final years. 

A little personal history...years ago when I was turning 40, my personal physician told me something that I have never forgotten; he told me "daily exercise will separate the men from the boys by age 50". I can still see him and hear his voice when I think back to my physical that year. Did I take that to heart, and get more serious about exercise? Not so much. While I did get a Nortic Track ski machine for my birthday and used it for a bit, daily exercise did not become part of my daily rhythm. So the years went by, and later in my 50's my doctor told me I had diabetes. This scared me to the point where I had no options so I did adopt a daily exercise regimen; I also changed my diet and managed to turn back the clock on diabetes and brought my blood sugar under control to the point where I was no longer diabetic. This should have been sufficient for me to permanently change my life, right? Well, not quite...

During that time when I was trying to beat back the onslaught of diabetes, I bought a book called "Younger Next Year" which taught me a lot; to this day, this book is the most practical source of information that I have ever come across. It impacted me so much, I bought a dozen copies and gave them to all my friends that were my age in hopes that they would adopt an improved lifestyle to also stave off the ill effects of neglecting regular exercise. 

Today I am in my mid-sixties, and getting serious about my health and vitality AGAIN. I have made a personal commitment to learn as much as I can about this because of a general concern that I am entering the final third and want to feel healthy, strong, and vital as long as possible. 

Where does the blog name come from, you might be thinking? 
"North of 55" refers to the age of 55 and beyond, basically the Baby Boomer generation. 
Winning with Age refers to beating the rate of standard aging and "living young" longer which is the basic premise of my favorite aging-related book featured in this blog.

Please stay tuned and let's journey toward improved aging together. 
For your reference, this blog can be found at www.Northof55.com in your computer, tablet, or phone.

For your convenience I am providing here the links for the series of books, of which the men's edition changed my life. Clicking on these links will show you the other books in the series, namely Thinner This Year, the Younger Back Book, and the associated practical Exercise Program.



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